About me

Inspired by a walk in the beautiful Lyn Peninsula in Wales back in the summer of 2015 I realised quite how calming the sea has an effect on me.

​The reality of Dungeness on a cold, grey and drizzly mid winter day was somewhat different. But this was more than a 2016 New Years Resolution, it was moment in my life when I wanted to take control and I needed a challenge.

​Over the next year or so I took day trips from my home in the East Sussex countryside, mostly with my husband, sometimes with my children and occasionally with friends and other family – in fact there seem to be a lot of people who have a similar affliction to the sea!

Day trips slowly turned into weekends away, so far we’ve stayed in converted railway carriages right on the beach, shepherds hut in muddy fields, upmarket b and b’s (as featured on Channel 4’s Four in a Bed) and some delightful pubs and hotels with wonderful sea views.

​Thank you for reading my rambles and viewing my snaps – I hope they inspire you to also appreciate the wonderful coastline our country has to offer us …

​Liz x

Number of miles walked
Ice creams eaten
Number of attacks by seagulls